How to write a cover letter? A comprehensive guide –

Writing a cover letter is one of the most challenging parts of the process of job search, and it is very difficult to understand where to start. From an expert’s point of view, writing a cover letter gives you an added advantage to attracting HR’s attention, and it will also help to distinguish yourself from everyone else. Writing a cover letter is not an easy job; here are some tips:

  1. Start with your Name and Contact Details: You must follow the practice of writing your name, email address, postal address, and contact number at the beginning of the cover letter or any formal letter.
  2. Write the date: You must include the date in the cover letter after writing your name and contact details. Remember the date must be updated, and it should match the date on which you are sending the email.
  3. Research: Before you start writing, try to get a piece of detailed information about the company and the type of job you are looking for. You can also get this information by following the company’s website, social media pages, Twitter handles, and employee profiles on LinkedIn. This research will also help you understand the culture of the organization to which you are applying. For example, if it is a creative company, then you might take more risk, but if it is a traditional and more conservative company like a bank then you may hold back.
  4. Focus on the future: Your resume will give detailed information about your past experiences whereas a cover letter focuses on your future and your approach to what you want to do. A cover letter is a bridge between your past and future, it gives insight about the type of opportunities you are looking for and also helps you to change your career (if you want). You can use a cover letter to explain the shift you are looking for and it will also help to grab the opportunity to sell your interpersonal and intrapersonal skills.
  5. Start Confidently: Try to start your cover letter by writing why this job excites you instead of writing from where you got to know about this opportunity. You can use some good and strong phrases which define your personality and expertise, for example, ‘I am a marketing manager with more than 14 years of experience looking for a challenging opportunity to capitalize my channel sales skills in capitalizing market’. Also, you can relate your background and experience with the vision/job profile of the company.
  6. Personal Connect: If you have a connection with any existing employee of the company, try to mention their name in the first two sentences. Also, try to address your cover letter directly to someone. You can easily find the names of the hiring managers of the company on social media platforms.
  7. Showcase your personal value: On the basis of research, you have done earlier about the company, try to show that you know about what the company does and a few challenges it is facing currently, these challenges need not be very specific. Hiring companies are seeking individuals who can help them in solving problems. skills/values like the ability to learn quickly, disciplined, and adaptability are a few skills that fit in any job, so if you have any such values try to showcase them with the help of some previous experiences.
  8. Be Enthusiastic: If by any chance you don’t get hired then trust me it is not because you are incapable but it’s because people didn’t believe your story that you really need this job hence, make it clear why you want this position and how important it is in your professional career.
  9. Take care of Tone: It is recommended, don’t be flattery or don’t use those words which you don’t mean. Be professional and mature. You want to avoid sounding desperate even if you have been out of work for some time. Try to put yourself in the place of the interviewer and think about the kind of language that the hiring company might use with their customers.
  10. Keep it Short: It is advised that your cover letter must be under a page that covers all the necessary information about you. Long cover pages will not catch the attention of the hiring company. There might be a lot of things you really want to write in your cover letter but you should do it concisely. Here you can take the help of your friends/colleagues/mentors to review your letter. Ask them to go through your cover letter and point out places where you can shorten your statements.
  11. Feedback: Getting feedback on your cover letter is a great idea. For this, you can share your cover letter with your colleagues, friends, and relatives. Be very specific about what kind of feedback you are looking for.

Points to Remember

  • Do’s:
    • Start with a strong opening note that makes a clear message about why you want this job and how you will be an asset to the company.
    • Be Precise so that the hiring company should be able to read your letter at a glance.
    • Share your previous job roles and relate them with the current challenges of the company.
  • Don’t:
    • Try to be funny.
    • Send a generic cover letter
    • be immature and unprofessional.


In conclusion, writing a cover letter can be a daunting task but it is an important step in the job application process. By following the tips discussed in this blog such as tailoring your letter to the specific job, highlighting your relevant skills and experiences, and maintaining a professional tone, you can ensure that your cover letter stands out and makes a strong impression on potential employers. Remember to also proofread and edit your letter before submitting to avoid any errors or mistakes. With a well-written cover letter, you increase your chances of getting an interview and ultimately landing the job.


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